# The css Prop

# Theme Keys

The following keys in your style object will work the same as Styled System props, pulling values from your theme object.

Property Theme Key
fontFamily fonts
fontSize fontSizes
fontWeight fontWeights
lineHeight lineHeights
letterSpacing letterSpacings
color colors
backgroundColor, bg colors
margin, m space
marginTop, mt space
marginRight, mr space
marginBottom, mb space
marginLeft, ml space
marginX, mx space
marginY, my space
padding, p space
paddingTop, pt space
paddingRight, pr space
paddingBottom, pb space
paddingLeft, pl space
paddingX, px space
paddingY, py space
top space
bottom space
left space
right space
border borders
borderTop borders
borderRight borders
borderBottom borders
borderLeft borders
borderColor colors
borderWidth borderWidths
borderStyle borderStyles
borderRadius radii
boxShadow shadows
textShadow shadows
zIndex zIndices
width sizes
minWidth sizes
maxWidth sizes
height sizes
minHeight sizes
maxHeight sizes
size sizes

# Responsive Arrays

All CSS properties accept arrays as values for responsive styles.

    fontSize: [4, 5, 6]

In this example, fontSize accepts an array, picking up values from the theme.fontSizes scale, and borderBottom is passed through as plain CSS.

    // Styled System key
    fontSize: [3, 4, 5],
    // CSS property
    borderBottom: "2px solid tomato"