# <AspectRatio />

The <AspectRatio /> component renders its contents in a responsive container with a desired aspect ratio. It's useful for things like embedded IFrames or videos.

# Usage

<AspectRatio ratio="16:9">



# Props

# ratio

  • Type: String
  • Default: 16:9

The desired aspect-ratio for the component. This prop must be in the format <WIDTH>:<HEIGHT>.

# as

  • Type: String
  • Default: div

The HTML element to render the < AspectRatio /> component as. See semantic HTML for more details.

# css

  • Type: Object
  • Default: {}

Additional styles applied to the component that leverage the theme when available. Visit the css prop documentation for more details.

# Examples

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Perspiciatis inventore autem minus optio dolorem id. Cumque pariatur ex facere voluptatem perspiciatis porro libero. Suscipit blanditiis eum saepe obcaecati quis aliquam?